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Old 07-24-2019, 01:19 AM   #1
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Default Details of $60 million municipal budget cuts announced


PDF of everything being cut ^

115 city jobs lost
80,000 fewer hours of transit
$7 million cut to the police

passed tonight in a pretty resounding vote

Meghan Potkins' article here:

Detailed effects of the cuts were finally revealed late Tuesday after council had spent hours debating the proposal behind closed doors.

Around 80,000 hours of transit service will be cut, resulting in less frequent bus and CTrain service on weekends and weekdays, according to the city’s cut-package report. The city clarified that Calgary Transit Access service levels will not be impacted by the cuts.

Council has also elected to cut staffing to four Calgary fire department medical response vehicles and one rescue unit. The result, Nenshi says, is that regular fire trucks will be forced to respond to more medical calls.

Calgary police will officially shutter the popular auxiliary cadet program as part of an effort to satisfy a $7 million cut in funding in 2019.

The city initially proposed shutting down two “flatwater” city pools as part of the budget reductions — but council elected to delay the $800,000-cut for the rest of the year to explore alternatives.

There will be a cut to an affordable housing incentive program for developers and the city will trim $482,000 from the budget of the municipal Indigenous Relations Office.

Council members approved the cut package by a 13-1 vote. Only Coun. Druh Farrell was opposed. Coun. Ray Jones was absent.
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