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Old 07-19-2019, 08:59 PM   #1139
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Aug 2008

I think this is poor asset management.

Both these players have little value so you could let them both sit.
So before the trade it was 5.75 million sitting in the press box now it’s 5.25 million. I suppose that could be a meaningful amount but I don’t think it’s worth the risk.

From a buyout perspective Neal would have a 2 mil cap hit for 8 years. Lucic has a 3.5-4.5 million cap hit for 4 years than 500k for the next. The flames current window is the next 2-3 years so if buyout is considered Neal was the better contract.

From an expansion draft standpoint it adds risk. I think their was a possibility of going 4-4-1 and giving up our 5th best forward to protect Kylington. Now that option is off the table unless Lucic were to waive. It is likely though that our 4th D will be better than our 7th best forward so the NMC likely has no affect but does reduce flexibility

So why do this?

I have seen the dressing room arguments but I think this comes down to the flames ownership being cheap. Calgary saves bout 7 million in real dollars over the course of the year. Same as when Kotilik was dumped.

I think if Neal was a problem a Neal buyout made more sense as a 3.5 million dollar player plus Neal’s dead cap number is better than Lucic for our Window.
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