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Old 06-18-2019, 12:05 PM   #3071
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Oct 2008

Originally Posted by Scornfire View Post
Larry eating up what felt like 25m of mic time was a travesty, this thing was pretty poorly planned all around unfortunately . Loved watching the players (Freddy's) IG videos and such though, the 5 more years chant was great. Another video that catches more of the build up to that the fans are cheering one more year and Kawhi apparently asks "Only 1?" then Lowry and Uncle Dennis get them cheering five more years. I'll be surprised if he isn't back, Dennis seems to love the organisation (Masai in particular)

Totally agree on owners acting like they won it themselves. He was even worse when TFC won the title. The whole team who just did the work was waiting for the trophy and he gets it first, he's out in front of them, shaking it in the air like he won it himself and refusing to hand it over.

It's fair for them to play a role as they are important, but the team should come first, it's incredibly tone deaf the way they've been moving in some sports and really fails to acknowledge what their customers(fans) want.
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