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Old 06-05-2019, 01:13 PM   #493
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Originally Posted by GordonBlue View Post
I can fall asleep at the drop off a hat, so it's hard to imagine what it would be like to be startled awake and then unable to get back to bed.
This is me, fall asleep fast and not much short of armageddon, perhaps not even that, will wake me. I lived in Bankview a couple years and then Kensington on Memorial Drive for years after. You either learn to not be disturbed during sleep or you don't sleep. Once in Cuba I slept thru the hotel fire alarm going off during the night, didn't learn about it til my travel companions talked about being woken up for a couple hours during the night, joke was on those suckers as the place didn't burn down and I'm still alive.

So personally I could care less about these alerts coming in, but I get the frustration by people who don't want the alert to disrupt them at all. Makes sense to me to be able to disable it for a time or when your phone is on DND. I mean realistically, if you are not wanting to be disturbed (sleeping, just want to zone out, whatever) and this alert comes in what do you really see happening? Someone who didn't want to be bothered gets a blaring alarm screaming at them will they A) diligently read the alert, look at relevant info, description, area and think back on their day, or more likely B) see its an AA, not a fire raging or city flooding, they need to do nothing about it and swipe it away and get back to their solid zoning out.

I don't see that giving people the ability to opt out (at least at certain times) would hurt the system at all, when those people are likely not even reading the alert anyway. Is there any way to track if people click on the link and read the report details or just click okay and get back to playing candy crush?
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