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Old 05-23-2019, 09:19 AM   #414
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Originally Posted by Ozy_Flame View Post
So if everyone else is egging China on to beat up mother Earth, it's OK to join in because group think?

I guess if you're getting paid in that sweet sweet bitumen money, then it's not so much beating up as it is pleasantly massaging.

On the whole, this seems like a really dumb argument for rationalizing action (or lack thereof) against climate change.
But if your goal is to actually make a difference regarding climate change, refusing to sell them bitumen makes no difference.

We can say that Canada is taking a stance against climate change by refusing to sell to China while China continues to buy from other markets that have zero regard for the environment. The net result, at best, is emissions do not change.

But Canada can be happy that we don't directly contribute to these emissions, I suppose. Even if the planet is no better for it.
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