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Old 05-02-2019, 07:47 PM   #13606
First Line Centre
Join Date: Aug 2004

Originally Posted by The Cobra View Post
I'd be surprised if he lost much value. Intense players are sought after for playoff hockey, even crazy ones like Kadri.

Think Tom Wilson has lost any of his value? GM's covet guys who you almost have to rein in. The Flames could use a few guys like that because evidently they have more than a few, Brodie included, who could use a swift kick in the a$$. An NHL player shouldn't have to be told.

Kadri is a 30 goal 50-60 point C in his prime on a good contract with term who plays with more than an edge. He would be in high demand. Brodie is a competent top 4 on an ok NHL blue line who is prone to costly give aways and lost reads. He can be anywhere from good to unplayable. Over the past two three years he's been bad a lot more than he's been good.

The Flames might be able to get Kadri and have Brodie included in the deal, but if I'm Dubas, I'm asking for more like a high pick, or a young cost controlled player. Maybe the Leafs like Jankowski....

Last edited by TOfan; 05-02-2019 at 07:50 PM.
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