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Old 05-01-2019, 05:47 PM   #284
Jimmy Stang
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by jayswin View Post
I respect your optimism Slava but the reality is there's a good chunk of seats that cost more than MLS!!! That's head in the clouds pricing, there was no point to it.
Agreed. Pacific FC tops out at about $60, which seems very much on par with expectations for this level of sport/entertainment. If $60 was the top end at Spruce Meadows and not $100, the place would be nice and full on Saturday, and probably for the most of the season.

Optimism is good. I want it to succeed as much as anyone, and I'll be putting in what I can in terms of time and money. But hundreds (or thousands, if you look at any date beyond Saturday) of empty seats is very concerning any way you look at it. The league has done a lot of things right, and the first two matches have been really neat to see. Surreal in a way. And another one tonight!
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