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Old 04-12-2019, 09:37 PM   #257
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: Jun 2012

Kylo has already shown a soft spot for Rey (I suspect a small crush and it isn't boding well for how threatening he is) and also couldn't fire on his ma-ma. That was very recent.

He'd have to have quite a turn of character one film later. Would only make sense if there's several year gap between them. I think we would need to see him experience something that "turns" him beyond redemption, and losing to force projection Luke isn't a good enough reason.

I think the reason why there is any pining for Rey's background having significance is because it's been stated by LF that these 9 Episodes are about the Skywalkers specifically, and is telling their story, which is culminating in the final episode. The next trilogy won't be related to them, and can star entirely new nobodies (hopefully with little to no character tie-ins to old ones because it'll be based in a very different time), but this last episode is the conclusion to the Skywalker saga, so you might as well tie it up in a nice bow by making Rey related, or a "product" of the skywalkers past doings. To represent some sort of karmic symbolism and be the one to end the Skywalker bloodline.
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