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Old 03-20-2019, 12:22 AM   #159
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Mar 2008

Originally Posted by Cecil Terwilliger View Post
I feel like you missed the point of the documentary. Everyone knows she’s a con, it isn’t an expose, she was outed a long time ago. It’s an examination of how she did it.

The part you find shocking is the entire point, except your list is missing Federal regulators, investors, scientists, engineers, chemists, biochemists, media, public, patients etc.
Ya, I don't know, I've been aware of the story for a while, and it is pretty shocking, but the documentary fell flat.

I think it would have done allot more for me if they spent more time on the people who were swindled by her, and unrolled the scam as an escalation slowly over time.

The Fyre Doc was fundamentally a similar story on a smaller scale and did allot more for me. Founder makes an impossible claim, is constitutionally incapable of walking it back, that uses mix of charisma, intimidation, and self delusion to dig the hole deeper than should have been possible, gets caught and doubles, then triples, then quadruples down with chips they don't have, oblivious to the harm they are causing others.

I also think the real scandal is that she didn't fool anyone with real expertise yet still pushed this through enough regulations to do some real damage.
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