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Old 03-05-2019, 08:15 PM   #283
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Originally Posted by Lubicon View Post
Saw that story and still trying to wrap my head around body piercing and tattooing. I had no idea that was even a thing for a pet.
The body piercing makes no sense to me. The tattoo'ing kind of does. Now, I'm not talking shave the pet and give them a full body tattoo, but take my middle cat, for instance.

When taken to the vet for his neuter and to get his ID chip and ID tattoo, I was told that the lady who did the ID tattoos was a bit of an artist, and for a donation to a pet charity, would be wiling to do a different small tattoo in place of just the traditional ID numbers.

I thought that was a pretty neat idea, and am a sucker for pet charity donations, and ponyed up (especially since he was getting an ID chip anyhow). So instead of his inner ear ID tattoo being numbers, it's his name and a small paw print. But it's where the numbered ID tattoo would be, so it's not easily visible, and still serves the purpose of being a form of ID for him.

A little something like that, I can be behind.
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