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Old 03-04-2019, 08:22 AM   #6
CaptainCrunch's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2002

I've had a few.

When I was about 15, I lived in Bonivista. I was crossing the road on my bike just by the Junior High School. I didn't do the look both ways, but just wheeled into the intersection. I still remember hearing the squealing brakes and I remember the car slamming into my bike, and me going over the car and smashing into the concrete behind the car.

I remember the family from the car swarming out and screaming at me in a language I didn't understand. I lay there gasping and then I got up and grabbed my bike and just started walking away. My right hand was hanging at a weird angle and everything sounded like it was underwater. I tried pushing my 10 speed but the front wheel was completely bent so I dropped the bike and walked home. I had a nasty gash on my head that needed stitches and broken my wrist.

The worst one was when I was in junior high in gym class, and I wanted to impress this girl. So I decided to to a superman vault using a spring board. I hit it, yelled her name. (Yes I still remember her name to this day) Promptly over rotated and landed on my head and neck. And I laid there and stared up at the lights and realized two things. I couldn't breath. I couldn't feel anything, my vision was pinprick. I remember completely panicking, but because I couldn't breath I couldn't talk. I remember all of the stupid kids gathered around staring at me including her.

The gym teacher was kneeling over me holding my head and telling me to relax and breath. But I couldn't feel anything or get air into my lungs. Then I could feel her hands on my heads, and then suddenly I got that first gasp of beautiful air, and the feeling came back into my feet and hands.

I still had to go to the hospital and got to miss a week of school with a concussion, and there's no ice cream for stupidity and showing off.

Oh and that girl, yeah, I maybe talked to her a couple of times over the next 5 years.
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
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