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Old 02-26-2019, 08:01 AM   #9
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by bc-chris View Post
this doesn't make any sense to me. why doesn't she just go to staples, buy some card stock and print some cards if that fixes everything?

what's the deal about 'no one can know my name and address'? phone books contain all that info (gahhh... just showed my age there! ha! sub in 'online directories' for phone books).

this entire thing just seems 'off'. i'd like to hear the other side of the story. (what is the saying.... there are two sides to every story and the truth can usually be found around the middle)
As annoying as it is, this is the right solution. It's quite amazing how "trust worthy" someone becomes once ink has been applied to paper.

A few years ago we were opening a community bank account for our non-profit industry group, one of the requirements from the bank was that we have an official letter head.

So I mocked one up in about 10 minutes, one of the other volunteers printed it out and brought it to the bank when opening the account. Literally only one copy of that "official" letterhead exist, and it's at the bank on our file.
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