Thread: Star Wars
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Old 02-20-2019, 08:42 PM   #97
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So thinking about it and what they could do, its really a shame that they stopped the legends EU. I would love to see a historical series on the Old Republic and not just Sith versus Jedi.

some of the really interesting stories

The Old Republic had their own version of the inquisition which involved a dynasty of supreme Chancellors that all assumed the same name Constispex. They followed a religion called the Pius Dea and for a 1000 years tried to clense the republic of Alien Heresy

The last major Sith vs Jedi War which featured a battle between the Army of Darkness vs the Army of Light. But the Brotherhood of Darkness was purged by Darth Bane who betrayed and mass murdered the Sith and then enacted the rule of two.

The rise of the Mandalorians is a very cool story.

There was so much really good material in the Legends EU to go with the bad "Glittering gold scaled trans dimensional slab of meat alien", The Hutts build a death star hilarity ensues.
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