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Old 02-20-2019, 03:48 PM   #2165
Franchise Player
Join Date: Sep 2011

Originally Posted by Lubicon View Post
Even better if he announced a reduction in the number of MLA's we have for the province. 83 seems excessive, 50-60 would be more my preference.
Took a quick look by province. Alberta and B.C. actually have 87 each I believe. B.C. with a slightly higher population but ballpark MLA/capita.

Ontario and Quebec each have ~125, but triple and double the Alberta population, respectively.

Manitoba and Saskatchewan each have ~60, but about a fourth of the population so a much higher per capita.

Newfoundland with 40 is pretty crazy. It has 40, so roughly half as many as Alberta but a 10th of the population. Our MLA's represent roughly 50,000 people while a MHA in Newfoundland represents about 13,000.
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