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Old 02-20-2019, 12:59 AM   #75
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Also, your system creates a massive incentive to actively hide technical mistakes that have happened during the legal process. Because making them public creates a risk that a criminal walks.

Our system doesn't have that issue. A minor technicality is just that, a minor technicality. You make a correction, the officer responsible gets a talking to. If it's no if deal, it really isn't a big deal.

I'm honestly kind of amazed that someone actually defends yous dumb system.

I mean, this case is a prime example of everything that's wrong with it.

You have a police officer knowingly committing an illegal search getting apparently no punishment. You have a known criminal going free with no punishment. That's two major crimes going unpunished, and a lot of wasted taxpayer money, and the public blames the judge who is really just following the law...

How does someone look at this and think "yeah I'm sure this is the best possible system"?
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