Thread: Star Wars
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Old 02-06-2019, 02:44 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by CaptainCrunch View Post
Definately agree with the Nazi's, but there was also a touch of Chinese and Russia under Stalin in there as well. Palpatine was parts Hitler, Mao and Stalin

The Empire was all about Order, it was designed to put the power in the hands of one individual. It was about giving up individual rights in exchange for security and order. Everything was a cog in that machine.

Their primary fighters were fairly weak, and un shielded, they were designed to overwhelm and swarm individuals. The Storm Troopers were designed to intimidate. In canon there weren't a lot of Storm Troopers in the Empire, they were like the marines. When they showed up it was because Shyte got real. For the most part you would get the Imperial Army which was portrayed very well in Solo.

The interesting item was the Death Star. It didn't really fit into the design of the Empire, mainly because it was a massively over powered individual killing machine. The idea of a massive intimidating fleet crewed by face less pilots and troopers that were utterly dedicated to enforcing Imperial law and order made more sense and was more intimidating because if one Star Destroyer went down a dozen could take its place.
I think part of this is that the image of the machine is just an illusion, and the empire is actually a way for the Emperor to seek individual power. Whenever Vader and the Emperor talk about their rule, it's always about the individual and the goal of attaining individual power. At no point do they talk about what's best for the galaxy or the benefits order to the citizens. The Empire, who think they are a genuine government, are actually just working for the benefit of the Sith.

But yeah, you're right, the Empire weren't necessarily Nazis, but more fascists/totalitarians generally, who were inspired by various real life regimes.
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