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Old 01-26-2019, 10:09 AM   #1017
One of the Nine
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Space Sector 2814

Alright so the wife wanted to go see a movie and Aquaman was the only option at the time we could do with our baby sitter, so we went.

The movie was... long. The action sequences were amazing, the scenes around Atlantis with the 80's style background music were so well done. The fight scenes were some of the best I have seen in comic book movies to date, and Mamoa is just Mamoa, an absolute beauty.

The movie itself was not good though. The story line was bad, the acting was horrible from about 90% of the cast. There was WAY to much crammed into the story. It felt rushed, but also felt like it dragged on. I enjoyed the special effects and am glad I saw it in the theater versus on my couch, but I did not enjoy the movie itself.

Had I been watching this movie at home, I might have shut it off. Huge swing and a miss for me.
"In brightest day, in blackest night / No evil shall escape my sight / Let those who worship evil's might / Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!"
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