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Old 01-13-2019, 10:55 AM   #19
Closet Jedi
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Last year, Giroux finished 2nd in scoring (behind non-playoff McDavid) with 102 pts. He wasn't even in the top 3 for Hart, because the media loved the feel good stories of Hall and Mackinnon dragging their no-talent teams into the wildcard spots. kopitar was 3rd in voting when he had 92 pts and his next teammate had 61.

Sadly that has what this award has become. If you have good teammates or elevate your teammates, it eliminates you from this award.

So, the front runner has to be McDavid. The Rod Smith soundbite confirms this is how the media thinks. If the oilers make the playoffs, it's his. If they get close but miss, he still might get enough votes.
2nd favorite is Eichel. Buffalo has sucked for years and is in prime position to snag a wildcard spot. What a feel good story -- Skinner's production will likely decline, and everyone loves an American boy who was a former #2 overall.
Gaudreau > Huberdeau AINEC
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