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Old 12-24-2018, 03:49 PM   #1628
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Location: Toronto, Ontario

Money talks in UFC. Boxing and MMA are in the same bed together - run by a lot of sleazy people.

When UFC was sold for that absurd price, you know that they'd try and milk every cent possible. White is simply the company man looking out for his own pocket in this. Time and time again you see how the UFC is with their double standards. McGregor in possibly every other sport would've been banned for life for the unprovoked assault that took place on camera. Instead, they say his time was served in giving up a fight or two that was taking place during the criminal investigation. Then they use the footage to hype the fight! Way to set a proper example that that wouldn't be tolerated. Back in the boxing hayday boxing promoters were individuals taking home the coin. These guys are just as bad and they come in the form of a conglomerate.

They need a return on their investment and this is what we're seeing. If there's a way to get money in their pocket they'll do it.
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