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Old 12-13-2018, 08:01 AM   #8
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Default In a big way I hate it, but Amazon is truly great

Originally Posted by Snuffleupagus View Post
I resisted forever, but older age and lazybones simply took over.

Except for the illusionists event tickets, Telus spark entry for four and one piece of jewelry my Christmas shopping is done for 14 people because of the devil known as Amazon. Took all of about 2 hours of searching and ordering and I probably saved 100's of dollars as well.

Part of me hates myself going to the dark side but I'm sure I'll feel better when I'm not scrambling in a mall on the 24th like every other year!

Retail malls are so screwed

Retail malls will still have their place for clothing stores, and that isn’t likely to change any time soon. It’s too much of a hassle for most people to buy clothes online, just to find out they don’t fit and need to be returned (which for online purchases is way more of a PITA).

The ones who really are screwed are small, independent business owners. One need look no further than all the foreclosures on 17th to see evidence of that.
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