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Old 12-09-2018, 01:59 PM   #2007
DeluxeMoustache's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2010

I was of the opinion before the season that this year, playoffs was mandatory for Treliving.

A few things have happened since then.
Lindholm and Hanifin are a huge upgrade on the ice.
The RFA contracts for them are tremendous value. Considering the term and dollars for Johnny and Monahan, there are some great, great players with far less cap contribution than their on ice value would warrant.
Peters has the D mobilized for a deadly transition game, has resurrected Brodie’s game
Peters also seems to have given the top line free rein as long as they improve play without the puck, and they are one of the top 3 in the league
That knucklehead GM in Toronto just broke RFA contracts which make Tre’s recent signings look more like wizardry

Yep, if this year was a flop, I think Tre would be in trouble. But the worst case scenario associated with his moves did not materialize, rather they have pretty much been better than imagined.

It was a bumpy rebuild, and the last two years were a mess, but this year we have a team playing like they should on paper, and better. Love it.
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