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Old 12-05-2018, 11:05 AM   #1036
Franchise Player
Join Date: Sep 2011

Originally Posted by crazy_eoj View Post
Scrapping the no social-licence carbon tax will be a great first step.

Scrap the Alberta Carbon Tax and we get a Federal one with less control of, no?
Proposed federal carbon pricing option
The Government of Canada is proposing a federal carbon pricing option that will only apply in provinces that do not have a system of their own that meets the above criteria. This federal option is composed of two elements:

A levy on fossil fuels that will increase annually.
Measures to price pollution from industry. This sets limits on pollution, and will ensure that the more an industrial facility pollutes above its limit, the more it will pay. The more a facility reduces its emissions below the limit, the more it can earn by selling credits to less efficient competitors.
This system will put a price on pollution and encourage companies to innovate in order to reduce their emissions.

The cost to households and businesses will differ based on their energy sources and energy consumption.

The carbon cost will reflect the GHG emission footprint of each fuel type--for example, a $10 per tonne carbon price is approximately 2.3 cents per litre of gasoline, 2.7 cents per litre of diesel, and 1.5 cents per litre of propane.
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