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Old 11-01-2018, 12:23 PM   #1839
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Originally Posted by Senator Clay Davis View Post
Nothing available, but it's the same plan with $125 million less in security. That's pretty much it as far as cost differences, the funding model is the only other change.
Thy also cut housing which was the biggest potential legacy feature of the games.

It’s difficult to find the exact numbers but it appears they cut 1000 units of housing from the bid. This makes the original bid on the housing component make much more sense. 1800 units, 500 market, 600 affordable, 200 senior, plus indigenous and student. So now 1300 of a proposed 1800 are accounted for. Expect that unaccounted for number to continue to be used as a reserve fund to cover cost overruns by selling at market.

The other question that we should all ask is that whose security estimate do you trust. The Calgary Police / RCMP number or the number changed under duress. I think it’s very reasonable to say that the real security number will be at least 600 million.

I think the Bidco document - 1000 units of housing - 125 million in security is a good approximation of what is currently on the table.

The funding side appears to be 370 million plus 150 million that is planned to be spent as part of the Vic Park plans with or without the Olympics. 700 million Province and 1.5 billion federal. 925 million US from the IOC
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