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Old 10-12-2018, 10:36 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by lazypucker View Post
There are a few factors why the New Horizon Mall doesn't work right now. Besides overbuilding it (too huge of a space) and the currently bad economic climate, the biggest factor is the location.

If it is geared towards ethic groups, a lot of the new immigrants / foreign students / seniors cannot get there as they don't drive.

The success of Aberdeen Center in Richmond and Pacific Mall in Markham is because they are right in the middle of where their intended target customers live and its convenient to go there.

The "build it anywhere and people will come" model won't work.
again, it would have been perfect in eau claire instead of what's there now.

which brings up another question, why haven't the chinese ever just taken over eau claire?
Watching the Oilers defend is like watching fire engines frantically rushing to the wrong fire

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