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Old 09-30-2018, 01:17 AM   #2549
#1 Goaltender
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Join Date: Oct 2008

Long response post... Ignore if you are here for jersey talk

Bettman was just a part of the bigger picture but definately has been a major player in relocations. To see how he plays a role all you have to do is look at how obtuse he's been about keeping a team in Phoenix (and how effecticely he's done it) because of his vision for the league and personal stake in having placed the team there and not wanting to admit failure. Dredging up owners with no connection to the city... Hand holding and quiet negiotiations with the city compared to the hard line he's taken with nenshi here blasting the city in the media.

It's not solely on him at all... Civic govts, willing owners, etc are all big factors. But the bottom line is he prefers large population us cities where not many like hockey but he can get a better tv deal, leverage bigger corporate clout and raw population mass over the smaller poorer cities where everyone likes the sport. And his recommendations to the board, public comments and government relations/lobbying and even digging up new owners are crucial in these scenarios.

Those 3 smaller markets had about 2 years of flux where the attendance was driven down with constant threats and bad teams and then the plug was pulled super quick. There was very little fight from the league because it suited the vision bettman had sold.

His vision for the league has always been to have a footprint in the major US tv markets whether they like hockey or not. I believe he thinks it will grow the game and maximize revenues but personally think its very short term/flawed thinking because I do not believe those markets will ever thrive beyond short term winning periods and I think long term, maintaining the nhls pockets of existing, passionate fan bases is where they should focus.

They are slowly pushing out the grassroots supporters in the hockey belt with their short term goal of maximizing tv and ticket revenue and I think in the long run it will hurt them. In the future I think it will be more of a fight to get passionate people in the building making noise than finding companies to buy ad space. And I don't think the casual US fans they are chasing are very solid bedrock to build on. They are losing a lot of the young generation in traditional hockey areas lately.

Sorry.. Super OT and too long.. Back to jerseys now. Felt compelled to articulate my perspective a little more after my shorter comment being called silly.

Last edited by Matty81; 09-30-2018 at 01:52 AM.
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