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Old 09-12-2018, 01:21 PM   #136
Nadal Fan
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Originally Posted by GreenLantern View Post
It really is to bad that Wonder Woman was seen as such a big success, if that had flopped or even been mediocre this would be the perfect time to blow the universe up. Unfortunately they will want to play that out. And then we will see in WW2 that WW1 was actually not that great, and was a victor of circumstances.. and by then it will be to late as two new schmucks will be cast as Batman/Supes. Probably Miles Teller to ruin another beloved franchise of mine.
I think the thing to remember is that Hollywood is super slow to reboot things. Even if tomorrow they woke up and were like yup burn it all to the ground were starting fresh it would probably be what 5 years (at best) until we saw the first movie roll out. I guess maybe thats what people want but I don't want to go 5 years with no DC movies that would be brutal.

I think with Aquaman we will get an answer as to what they are planning. If they have the LOD recruit Black Manta then I guess they will go forward with a shared universe. If there is no crossover then I think the future of DC movies are just stand alone films with no crossover potential.
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