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Old 08-27-2018, 11:32 AM   #414
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I had a super hero weekend, I watched Infinity Wars and Deadpool 2.

I have to say that Infiinity Wars is really the blueprint going forward for Super Hero movies because they did such an amazing job of making Thanos human and sympathetic. He was that villain that you felt was totally justified in his mind of the evil that he was doing.

There were some moments where you could feel the malevolence and the taking joy in a monstrous act just roll off of him. When he beat down the Hulk, when he killed Loki, when he took the mind stone. But at the same time there were these moments where you could feel the thought process of knowing that what he was doing was crappy and he felt bad for doing it but he was the only one with the will to do it. This was truly and antagonists movie. When Mantis is reading him and reveals that he was morning and this was some time after killing his daughter it was more powerful then when he realized that he'd have to sacrifice the what we thought was the only thing that he loved.

When he sat back at the end with a smile on his face, you realized more importantly that he actually did love the life in the universe and that he felt that taking half of it out to save the other half was a sacrifice worth making.

Even when you look at Marvel it works in the movies and they've been touching on and playing around with the sympathetic villains, but on this one they really pushed it

Iron Man 1 - Stane wasn't sympathetic, he was greedy and power hungry

Iron Man 2 - Vanko had no goals except for revenge, but he kind of sucked anyways, Hammer was just a jerk

Iron Man 3 - They tried to make Killian sympathetic, but instead they flopped as a nerd that no one liked changes himself and gets consumed by it.

Thor - Loki just wasn't all that sympathetic because he was basically a psychopath

Captain America FA - Red Skull was just an uberman who was consumed with basically becoming a god.

The Avengers-Loki again, still not sympathetic

Captain America Civil War - I actually thought the aims of Hydra in this movie were sympathetic and similar to Thanos. Pierce was good at placing the moral question out there.

Guardians one - Rohnan was completely unsypathtic,

Age of Ultron - I had some sympathy for Ultron, who was tasked with protecting the earth and because of his flawed programming came to believe he had to kill off humanity to do it. He's sympathetic because he's a victim of Tony's flawed world view and slipshod approach to solving anything. He's the child that is told to do something and interprets it literally, but hat scene where he worries about Scarlett was really well done.

Antman - Yellow Jacket was a jerk

CA Civil War - I was really sympathetic to the villain in this one who wanted to destroy the thing that destroyed his life and at the end wanted to die.
Guardians of the galaxy - Ego wasn't really sympathetic as much as a god gone bad.

Spiderman Homecoming - Tombs was completely sympathetic as the everyman that gets screwed over by the powerful and does everything he can to carve out his piece until he sells his soul, but Keaton made him someone that you could almost cheer for.

Ragnarok - Hela to me was really a sympathetic character in that she did what her father told her which was to wage war, and then suddenly Odin's world view changes and he becomes ashamed of what he created and throws her away

Black Panther - N'jadak, really sympathetic because basically he got screwed out of his father and wanted to make them pay damnit, and he saw himself as a liberator
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Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Last edited by CaptainCrunch; 08-27-2018 at 11:36 AM.
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