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Old 08-25-2018, 07:28 AM   #20
Crash and Bang Winger
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A couple things:

Glad to see some barriers being broken. To me it should always go to the most qualified (regardless of race, gender, etc.)

With that said - I really am disappointed for this for a few reasons. Many might argue that she secured her spot in medicine based on her reputation and it is a sad thing to hear that this was a wasted spot that could have been given to someone who could have became a contributing doctor in society.

I’ve also had family who have participated in some of her camps for young girls in hockey. All of the girls indicated that they felt she didn’t want to be there and came across rude and disingenuous.

As happy as I am for the sport more broadly, I wish the story would have been about another athlete as I’ve heard very few positive things about her as a person outside of what you hear publicly.

As an aside - I’m surprised no one has brought up/jokes about the timing of this relative to Dion’s departure. She did fight his brother Dane in a Bantam game!
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