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Old 07-12-2018, 09:47 AM   #2053
Enoch Root
Franchise Player
Join Date: May 2012

Originally Posted by Flames Draft Watcher View Post
Yes it can be the same thing. For a lot of people doing copious amounts of alcohol and drugs the night before a game will most certainly negatively affect their performance in some way. Some people are seemingly immune to hangovers but a lot of us are not.

I work in the restaurant industry which contains many alcoholics and drug abusers and partying too much will affect your performance in the office, in the restaurant or on the ice or field.
Unless you have evidence of this, you are doing exactly what I was referring to: creating a problem that isn't there.

If someone's performance is being affected, then yes, let's talk about it. And more importantly, let's make sure they're getting help.

But that isn't the case.
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