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Old 05-16-2018, 08:09 AM   #12426
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by N-E-B View Post
And also the same coach who had Gaudreau score at over a point per game pace for the first time in his career, Monahan who set a career high in points despite playing a career low number of games and was injured for a quarter of them, Micheal Ferland who scored a career high 21 goals, Matthew Tkachuk who improved his point total despite playing 8 less games than the previous season, Mikael Backlund who finished 4th in Selke voting, Dougie Hamilton who scored 50 points one year and led all defenseman in goals the next year....

I think you get the point. Blaming the coach for Bennett is a cop out if you ask me. It's possible he turns it around this season, but nothing I've seen would lead me to believe that will be the case.

Some players thrive under some coaches while others don’t. Look at Bouwmeester for instance. He comes the Calgary coming off multiple 40pt seasons and over 10 goals for a couple of years. Under the Brent Sutter system he doesn’t hit 30pts for the Flames and is nothing like the player we hoped we were getting. Enter Hartley and his more run and gun style and Bouwmeester looks like a completely different player.

I feel Brodie has potential to bounce back moving to his comfortable side and playing in a new system. As for Bennett it doesn’t make sense to trade him unless the return is more than what his market value dictates today by a large margin.

I only see Bennett traded if he asked to be moved, a team is going to overpay based on potential, or he is part of a massive blockbuster package that returns the Flames the pieces they need next season (top winger or centre)
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