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Old 05-07-2018, 08:47 AM   #219
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Join Date: Jun 2002

People stun me, there's no question about what your getting when you buy a ticket to a super hero movie.

You're not getting long monologues or deep conversation. You're not getting art like camera angles, transitions or color shifts.

You're not getting any kind of subtly where you have to interpret anything.

What you are getting is 3 hours of a ridiculous plot idea with larger then life characters, and a lot of people getting punched in the face, thrown through walls and kicked into orbit.

You're getting science that absolutely isn't real or debatable, a over the top scene stealing villain, and a rudimentary story line.

If you ran a check box on Infinity war, and there was an Oscar type award for big budget movies with tons of action, then Infinity Wars cleans up at that awards show.

If you go looking for deeper meaning, deeper conversation, sub text of try to compare it to movies like Natural Born Killers then of course you're going to hate this movie.

Watchman tried to be that movie and in retrospect, it really sucked.

There wasn't much to be disappointing about in this movie, except it didn't have a scene where two guys are having dinner and one of them is named Andre and they're having a horrible boring conversation and then they suddenly turn into dust.

Here's my grinder, and its on the parents, the ones who take young kids to these movies. I mean honestly I know you don't want to be spoiled,. but don't you kind of have a responsibility to your 5 or 6 or 7 year old to kind of vette this movie first.

I can't tell you how many kids were crying and really upset when Parker was fading and crying. Or when Groot turned to dust.

Come on people you have kids, you have an obligation to know what's coming.
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