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Old 03-24-2018, 05:14 PM   #48
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Fort Collins, CO

More of the same today with the lineup changes, but really just outmatched.

My worry is that BT will not do enough with the team and coaching staff.

We've talked about the coaching staff and really everyone needs to go (if Gelinas gets a spot elsewhere in the org, that's fine).

The players, oh boy... they really need an overhaul with this lineup after going back and watching in February until Smith came back and played ~4 games in March, we are just not a good team.

Lots of needs to really improve next year including a top RW, bottom six scoring, a PP, more physical play from the D-men, players that are bought in and willing to compete or they are sitting in the pressbox or passing through waivers, consistent goaltending (starter and backup), am I missing something?
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