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Old 03-22-2018, 10:31 PM   #8
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: So Long, Bannatyne

I’m renewing only because so many family/friends rely on us for seats. My Dad and I will reduce our season haul to five from ten games. (And five may end up being too many.)

All too often this season, I spent my time at games wondering why I was giving 5+ hours to a game night (travel, game itself) when I could focus on other interests. It started out as a pouty reaction to terrible hockey but actually became a positive realization that allowed me to free up loads of now-productive time.

I’m past the point of complaining/whining and at the point now where “Flames hockey” is legitimately just another thing to do, or not. It’s a shame, in a way, because most of my fandom for this team has been spent as a “die-hard”. But things change and as George once wisely remarked: “All Things Must Pass”.
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