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Old 03-15-2018, 11:18 AM   #996
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Originally Posted by Matata View Post
Just the sort of articulate and nuanced answer I was expecting.

"I can't explain myself but I've been conditioned to think this way, so I'm pretty sure it's correct."
He should have just used some throwaway troll bait like "Lol, okay there, Tucker".

CHL nailed it. My take is that the term "white trash" exists specifically to disparage the lower class of an identifiable group. We can and should talk about neo-Nazis being a negative element in society without catching the poor and uneducated in the crossfire; there may be an overlap there, demographically, but that doesn't excuse the imprecision, nor the denigrating term used. It's like someone referring to ISIS as a bunch of "sand monkeys", a disparaging term for people from the Middle East.

All terriers are dogs, but not all dogs are terriers. But in this case, not all poor, uneducated white people are neo-Nazis, nor are all neo-Nazis poor, uneducated white people. In fact, that's probably one of the more alarming takeaways from this: there are affluent and educated people among the ranks of America's white supremacist movement.
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