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Old 03-13-2018, 12:39 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by FlameOn View Post
I wonder what a realistic domestic intelligence response can be to all of this? Counter assassination of known Russian intelligence assets?

There has to be something that be done at least domestically to the rampant assassinations that happen in Western soil by Russian spies. Although I don't think potential Russian turncoat spies will be too cooperative with Western intelligence agencies as of late given how many of their comrades of died as of late. If Russia has broken the rules and started assassinations now, should the West not respond in kind just so Putin knows there are real consequences for this?

Though I guess there are huge problems in that kind of response, especially since there will likely be no US backing under Trump.
While the Russian's might train assassins and killers, or maybe contract it out. Western Intelligence agencies are really configured for that. They're built around intelligence gathering, and that's about it.

There's not really a James Bond out there that can shoot the wings off of a flea, disarms bombs, and kill evil agents while drinking a martini.

Plus because of how the law works, if Putin gets caught, he doesn't care. If a Western Power gets caught fighting a illegal black war in a major country, their government will fall, they'll be massive exposure.

the only way to actually punish the Russian's would be to break a spy ring, or apprehend the assassin and embarrass the Russians.

The other way is with sanctions or some kind of economic or diplomatic response. reduce the size of their embassy staff, expel a member or multiple members of their mission. Call back their own staff for "Consultations"

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