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Old 03-05-2018, 08:49 AM   #36
Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer
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What I liked about Shape of Water - it was not just a re-telling of Beauty and The Beast, because they were both outsiders who were more human than the world they inhabited. The gay friend and black janitor were outsiders too. I don't consider things plot holes because they don't make sense in the real world (a bathroom filling up with water?) - this was a fantasy where the plane of water encroached in our world.

Three Billboards - I thought the movie ended exactly where it should have. To find and get revenge on the killer might have been crowd pleasing, but does not make sense in a movie about how people cope with random chaos. I suppose it also leaves the door open for a sequel or a TV series like Fargo.

Many of the relationships involved an age discrepancy, and this is no coincidence. France's ex and Penelope, Woody and his wife, Dixon and his mother.

One of you mentioned the Ozarks - having been to Missouri, I remember it being quite flat. The scenery seemed to be in the Appalachians, and I found out later it was filmed in North Carolina.
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