Thread: Home Brew Kits
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Old 02-28-2018, 02:38 PM   #105
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Jan 2010

I probably would be into something like that. Depends, I brew more in the summer vs. the winter so my variety would be greater then.

Speaking of Keezers, this is mine. This was right after I built it a few years back, it has 3 taps now and is reasonably compact. I might be willing to part with it, I want to build a fridge style one to fit my garage, so you'd get the keezer, the temp controller, I'd probably throw in a couple of rear sealing taps (no shanks or anything else, just the taps), no lines or regs as I'll need to reuse all of that stuff. The tower is cooled from the main freezer too.

I also have tons of swing tops that I don't need to keep around but I seem to anyhow.
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