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Old 02-23-2018, 01:07 PM   #1182
First Line Centre
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: The Kilt & Caber

I read that piece yesterday. I went into it thinking it was going to be another 'sad Keanu' type thing. I thought it was going to be funny. It was a really sad, depressing read. He seems like a genuinely decent, humble, nice guy. You can tell he's carrying around a lot of things that he hasn't been able to resolve or fully put behind him. He seems to thinks less of himself now, whether it's because of the humiliation with Berk, his injuries and losing his tall, strong body type or his self doubt for not living up to what he thought he could accomplish in his career. I hope nothing but the best for the guy.

My favourite uplifting part of it is how he blows off steam:

“I'm okay,” he says. “I think I just need to let some arrows fly.”

He excuses himself as I ponder what this means. A few minutes go by. When he returns, it's with a leather quiver full of arrows strapped to his back. He steps out onto his porch. Outside, he lofts a bow, nocks an arrow. Down below on his lawn, maybe 75 yards away, is an archery target. He releases the arrow straight into the target's center. Bull's-eye. Then nocks a second arrow, and does it again.
I need to try that. Get an actual bow & arrow and 'let some arrows fly'!
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