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Old 02-23-2018, 11:50 AM   #96
Join Date: Oct 2006

Originally Posted by Roughneck View Post
So you must reject any study that claims rats were fed GMO corn, since you know that rats just refuse to eat it.

Makes you wonder how they're gathering any data at all?

Or maybe the video you saw is just the anecdotal stories that pop up on all the websites that are basically like any anti-vaxxer website that pops up. Throw in a bunch of studies whether they're relevant or not, some anecdotal data, and pass it off like verified scientific fact.

Europe allows the use of naturally derived insecticides that kill bees in addition to target pests, because otherwise they'd see massive crop yield declines to to pest damage. Them allowing or not allowing something isn't the be-all, end-all of what makes something good or bad. 'You must be smarter than these countries' isn't what makes for evidence based decisions. Those countries are also responsible for producing much of the chemicals we use in food production as well.

If you can use glyphosate for weed control, it means you don't have to use other herbicides that are more toxic, less effective, have more negative residual effects in the environment, and last longer in the environment to achieve the same crop yield. These are the facts. Doesn't mean I'd go drinking Roundup, but I also wouldn't eat manure even though I don't have a problem with it being used in farming either.

I was also responding to a post that made it seem like you can spray roundup on fruits and vegetables in general, and not just a few, select varieties. But yeah, I'm the ignorant one.
Yawn.... first of all, if you create a proper microbiology within the turf, ornamental or producing plant then "weeds" become limited. You do this by compost tea's of different varieties. Not by roundup... which is, in many circles, the one product on earth that will be the end of us all.. (pretty extreme thought, but not all that unreal).

Weeds aren't an issue as well.. vanity is. Weeds actually provide many nitrogen fixing organisms and also resource share with many plants. The reason weeds grow is because an imbalance exists within the plant or turfs ecosystem such as not enough humus growing in the soil to increase water holding capacity that creates more cations within the clay, that are nutrient storing nodes. Round-up and all other herbicides, pesticides or simply chemicals kills the microbiology within the soil and reducing the cation exchange capacity (CEC) as well as the water holding capacity which in turn simply rinses all the pesticides away and into the drainage system and into rivers, lakes etc.. which forces you to put MORE chemicals on them, which.. rinse and repeat (no pun intended).. which in turn costs the producer twice as much if not more... when all they have to do is create a proper microbiology that nature intended and the plants will protect themselves.

Do some research bud.

EDIT: good troll? I provide you information from a renowned 3rd party and thats called a troll? Youre the one trolling now pal. Provide some evidence to your theory or go away.. This discussion was over before it even began. Ive provided you the tools to learn. Now its up to you.

Last edited by IgiTang; 02-23-2018 at 11:55 AM.
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