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Old 02-22-2018, 02:48 PM   #335
Johnny Makarov
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Originally Posted by Finger Cookin View Post
So May solicits came and went, and Marvel doesn't seem to be doing a line-wide relaunch or re-boot like folks online were freaking out about. Some new titles are starting, some titles are wrapping up, and story arcs continue.

I read a good thread involving a Marvel editor on Twitter this morning - all the comics fans hand wringing about numbering and relaunching seems to come down to a) That new fans (and therefore stores) seem to find new #1s the easiest place to start with, regardless of whatever volume numbering, shadow numbering, or what have you are included, and b) The problem of getting more people to buy and read comics is much larger than numbering and new series.
Yeah good luck with that Marvel. On Bleeding Cool every week they have about 20 comic stores in the US email in their weekly sales numbers and DC has been hammering them every single month since Rebirth launched so about 2 years now.

Marvel ranks #1 on the Distrubutor charts for books shipped but I guess those numbers are inflated because they send out freebies to the stores that are included.
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