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Old 02-21-2018, 08:38 AM   #297
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Nov 2010

Originally Posted by AustinL_NHL View Post
They had 2 completely different strategies. USA started off as fast as possible while Canada started off slow and picked it up near the end.

Had Canada stepped on the gas pedal half a lap sooner, they would've had it in the bag. The US completely died in the final lap and a half
That is not how it's done for the team.

Bowe & Bergsma are sprinters while Manganello is a slower long distance racer. So their only option is to get as big a lead as possible and hold on. Kind of like what Wust does in her long distance races.

Blondin and Wideman and long distance racers and Spence is a middle distance skater. So their goal is to have a pretty fast opening lap then hold consistent lap times for the rest of the race and eventually take the lead. That's usually the best strategy. But here the lap times just fell off right away.

They can't just turn on the gas as it's not what they're used to.
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