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Old 02-15-2018, 04:28 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by CorsiHockeyLeague View Post
Hah, it's amazing how the whole script is now flipped onto the accused. "If she thought she was assaulted, why not go to the Police immediately?" You'll presume the accuser is truthful despite evidence that she made false claims, but go looking for holes in the accused's version of events. Motivated reasoning strikes again.

I mean, it's entirely possible that he had no recollection of these events but wanted to actually make sure he hadn't done something while drunk and forgotten about it, wanted to get others' corroboration on record before attempting to defend himself in an atmosphere that, at least for many of the louder voices in the mob, presumes the guilt of the accused under the guise of "believing victims". Maybe he recognized that regardless of any denial he couldn't possibly forestall the downfall of his leadership bid, and instead turned his focus to this inevitable point when he launched a defamation suit - if it was that, it was probably very smart; musn't say anything of any real substance on record until you have a well-defined legal strategy in place. Really, there are many reasons why he would wait.

Or it could simply be this.

Or hell, maybe you're right and he's lying. I don't know. I don't see much reason to assume so though.
Im evaluating each persons statements based on my notions of what truthful statements would look like and deciding which is most credible. With that approach I assumed the first complaint wasn't really valid aside from the icky factor and focused on the second.

Also the answer to the question of why not go to the police immediately is that at that time the police would have asked, did he rape you -- no, did he stop when he resisted yes, okay no crime here. If she did that it would also likely cost her her job. So you put up with it.

So whose behaviour makes sense? If it was just going to take 2 weeks to do this investigation he could have easily hung on.

I haven't seen your we should wait to see the outcome of the unfiled liable suit before judging CTV reporting yet
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