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Old 02-14-2018, 06:31 PM   #3772
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Originally Posted by Bunk View Post
What needs to happen:

- Outright ban on assault riffles
- Handgun and hunting rifles would require extensive background checks, lengthy waiting periods, a full week of mandatory certified training on how to responsibly use and store the firearm. There would be minimum storage requirements.
- bullets cost a minimum $50 each.

What will happen:
You would really have to up enforcement. I'm not saying that what you have here isn't a good idea. But

You would create a underground market for assault rifles.

You would create a underground market for bullet smuggling because it would instantly be more profitable then selling drugs.

I've advocated that if you own a gun you have to own hideously expensive insurance and if your caught with an uninsured weapon its 5 years at hard labor, if you shoot someone and your uninsured its life.

If you suddenly forced the insurance industry to insure guns it would counter a lobby group like the NRA, and the insurance industry would instantly push for gun reform.
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