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Old 02-12-2018, 12:30 AM   #1670
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Originally Posted by speede5 View Post
You may accumulate moisture in there but I doubt it will cause problems. If you're willing to monitor it I can't see there being any harm in it. Any moisture that does accumulate is going to freeze in the winter though, so you could build up an ice dam in the duct. Unless the fan is running constantly the ambient temp in the attic will be the temp of the duct.

Ps, I think you're overthinking it.

Just an update on this as I went up in the attic this weekend to get some recessed lighting installed. I checked the bathroom exhaust duct work, and I could feel some bits of ice had formed in that dip in the duct work from the bathroom fan to the roof vent. I don’t know if it means much. It didn’t seem like *a lot*, but enough that it would make a mess on the ceiling if it melted.

And on the topic of lighting and wiring - anybody familiar with the CEC enough to say whether a junction box have something like a medicine cabinet installed over top of it, or do they need to be readily accessible? The box used to have a vanity light installed on it, but our medicine cabinet we picked out is tall and would cover it up. Conversely: we could cut the drywall and move the box further up the wall if that makes it okay.
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