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Old 01-28-2018, 11:32 PM   #691
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Originally Posted by Wormius View Post
You are being a bit harsh. I think you need more than a few episodes to really care about characters in a show and feel some attachment to them. I can guarantee that if Sulu or Chekhov were killed off just a few episodes in, nobody would have batted an eye and would be a footnote in ST:TOS. People only care about these old characters as much as they do because they had 80+ episodes + movies to get invested in them and are only looking back with nostalgia-vision. I think you are giving up too early on this show. It’s not that bad.

That said, I was kind of confused by mirror Lorca. Since he was a rebel in the mirror universe, shouldn’t that have made him a good guy in the regular universe?

I guess they could have easily kept Lorca around if they played it that way.
Not so much, since he wasn’t rebelling against the ideals of the Terran Empire and wanting to be inclusive and idealistic, but rebelling against an emperor that he thought was becoming too lax. His plan was to double down and be even worse.
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