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Old 01-11-2018, 01:15 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by Locke View Post
Its a long story but overall the IOC would pay Insurance, Travel and Accommodation.

They decided not to pay that and further they declined to allow the NHL to advertise or have any affiliation or association.

So the NHL was on the hook for all of the costs and absolutely no revenue or advertising and at the same time risking their assets.

So they said no.

On top of all that and if I am understanding correctly....the NHL nor any media outlet other than the winning network, are allowed to use any images of the players in the Olympic tourney whatsoever. When games are airing at 5 AM MST.

That means no highlights of the NHL's players while playing hockey at its top level.

Asinine, absurd, and zero good faith bargaining position by the IOC if true.

That alone is enough for the NHL to say we're not going IMO.
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