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Old 12-19-2017, 05:30 PM   #329
Franchise Player
Join Date: Sep 2011

Originally Posted by OMG!WTF! View Post
The real reason you guys should be upset about this has just been totally missed. It's obvious a group of elected officials need to be held to a higher standard than that which is applied to private landlords.

When you need to get elected you're the good cop, the guy who fights for every man and who looks after the little guy. Then you get elected and your priority is keeping your job which means not raising taxes which means the 6 million bucks it would have taken to buy out these residents ten years ago looks a lot better in your bank than in the people's pockets you promised when you were trying to get elected.
I still fail to see what makes these people special. They are far from the only low income househoulds in the city. Yet here they are, wanting low rent on prime land for decades.

The land that Midfield sits on can easily be turned into better, more dense, low income housing supporting more families or use the money the City gets from the land and put it towards additional more efficient low income housing. Better alternative than continuing to heavily subsidize the residents there and especially when they would need to spend a fortune upgrading the infrastructure.
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