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Old 12-14-2017, 10:33 AM   #3109
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Originally Posted by troutman View Post
Space Policy Directive 1 – Return to the Moon

President Trump signed Space Policy Directive 1 (SPD1), an executive order that will shape NASAs priorities going forward. Essentially the directive states that NASA’s primary mission is human space exploration, with a specific goal of returning to the moon.

So walk before you run. It is likely hubris and folly to set our sights on Mars when the moon is much closer and more feasible.
I don't know if anyone else is watching the free preview of the Smithsonian channel, but they had a documentary on about the design team behind the first Lunar Lander. It was amazing to watch how they innovated around the weight problem.

I do think returning to the moon is essential, not from a waiving of the flag perspective. But to use it as a test run for deeper missions to Mars for example using more modern technologies.

At some point, there has to be a change in design and propulsion technologies.

I mean its estimated that a journey to Mars would take 300 days each way, so the day and age of the tiny capsule exploration would really need to end.

We'd have to look at things like building the transport in orbit. Food storage, long term water and and waste reclamation. The effects of a voyage like this on human psychology and physical conditions. Engine and speed and navigation and computer technologies.

Is it going to be a mission where we get there and land and only stay for a few days, or do we look at the travel time and decide to get them to stay for 6 months or more?

These are all things that we could practice on a moon landing.

Usually with something like the moon landing technology innovations take a large leap forward. I think we need another large leap and this could do it.

I also think that this would be an excellent opportunity to do something globally to split the costs and share the results and bring the world a bit closer together, and make a return to the moon and the mars exploration a global venture with America leading the way.

Anyways, I get excited about this stuff.
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