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Old 12-12-2017, 09:09 AM   #4086
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by pylon View Post
I just want to share one last thought on this, and I will go back to breaking out in cold sweats at the though of what I believe is the ultimate relocation of the only sports team I've ever been fanatical for. These words came from someone I was debating this whole thing with, and someone that can truly appreciate and understand the implications, and costs involved. This isn't some guy at an Orange Julius, it's a local businessman with a net worth probably around 100-150 million. Not NHL owner money, but he's the type of guy that rubs shoulders with people involved in this. Anyway, his logic really flipped me on this subject, and it is tough to argue with.

Not an exact quote, but pretty much the jist of it:

"Take away the principles involved in this entire debate. Take away the ego's, the chest beating, and the dick measuring. If the city were to even let the Flames move, without fronting them the entire cost of the building, it is still a net loss for the the city, and in short order. Potentially as little as 5 -10 years. Do I think the city should front 100%? No. And they do not have to. But even in that no-win scenario where it was the only option left, it's still a better long term scenario mathematically for the City to buy the team an arena and hand them the keys. The 'goodwill' and exposure the team brings the City is worth far more than the cost of an arena. Goodwill can be the most the most valuable asset of any business, and in the Flames case, the intangible goodwill enjoyed by the city, far exceeds what is enjoyed by the owners of the team, and by an excessively large margin. The biggest loser would be the City, not the team owners."

Tough to argue a guy that made a fortune that size. He's far more qualified to analyze than I am.
We must have pretty different views on this. His speech just reaffirmed to me that most rich people get there by privatizing the profits and socializing the risks. Just like the CSEC is trying to do.

I can't think of any other industry in Calgary that demands that the City buy them a new factory/warehouse/office building so they can make more profit.
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