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Old 11-17-2017, 12:35 PM   #3903
stone hands
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Mar 2013

Originally Posted by IgiTang View Post
Society has already said it’s acceptable. If you have ever spent a dime on a pro-sport item or ticket, you have already said that it’s ok for these billionaires to continue to profit at extreme rates via their franchises. To say “No” now is simply
...what? There is absolutely no equivalence between voluntarily paying for entertainment(spending a dime on a pro sports item or ticket) and government subsidizing of a for-profit business. absolutely no hypocrisy here as the two statements arent even remotely related
Out here on the island I see tons of “No LNG” signs for the coastal communities but they all have LNG running to their house. I see this as a similar hypocrisy.

This kind of money from tax payers is going to get gouged by the Municipality, Province and Feds anyway.. to think that if your dollar doesn’t go to the Flames that that’s where it ends. But that’s naive, your dollars are going to be gouged by a tax in some way or another. Perhaps a useless blue ring or a facility that a very small number of the population uses. Someway or another your dollars are going to leave your pocket without you having much of a say in the matter.
Why not have it be for something you claim you love? Like Calgary Flames Hockey?
the difference is i dont have to pay to use public services. i can go to a library, i can drive on roads, i can use bike paths, i can do all of these things without the proceeds going towards a private entity who is also receiving subsidies
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